Structure and attributions of the Chamber of Deputies
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Parliamentary Groups

The parliamentary groups are structures of the Chamber of Deputies. They can be comprised of at least 10 deputies who have run on the lists of the same party or political formation in the elections.

The deputies of a party or political formation can only establish one parliamentary group.

The deputies who have run on the lists of an electoral coalition and belong to different parties or political formations can establish own parliamentary groups of the parties or formations they belong to.

The deputies of political parties or formations who do not make up the necessary number for establishing a parliamentary group, as well as the independent deputies can gather in mixed parliamentary groups or can become affiliated to other parliamentary groups already established.

The deputies representing citizens' organisations belonging to national minorities other than the Hungarian minority can establish a parliamentary group.

In its first meeting, parliamentary group proceed to designating its own leadership, comprised of its leader and, as the case may be, one or several locum-tenentes.

The group leader present to the Chamber its denomination, as well as composition by numbers and names.

The sequence of the presentations shall be set by the senior president of the Chamber, in the order of the size of parliamentary groups.

The president of the Chamber of Deputies together with the leaders of the parliamentary groups shall distribute the seats in the meeting hall for each parliamentary group.

The establishment of parliamentary groups whose parties have not obtained mandates following the elections is prohibited.

Any change in the composition of parliamentary group shall be notified to the president of the Chamber of Deputies, being signed by the group leader or, as the case may be, by the deputy.

The president of the Chamber of Deputies shall inform the deputies, in an open meeting, on the changes in the composition of the parliamentary groups.

Attributions of the Parliamentary Groups

The parliamentary groups shall have a major role in the activity of the Chamber of Deputies both as regards the constitution of the working and leading bodies, and as regards the definition of the deputies' political attitude and position in connection with the draft laws subject to debates.

Thus, by means of their presidents or representatives, the parliamentary groups shall have the following attributions:

  • to make proposals for the composition of the Committee validating the deputies' mandates;
  • to propose candidates for electing the Chamber of Deputies president and electing the members of the Standing Bureau, within the limit of the places due to them;
  • to present the option of the deputies in that group with a view to being part of the standing committees, to submit proposals for the positions in their bureaux and to designate deputies who will belong to other committees of the Chamber of Deputies, in compliance with the political configuration of the Chamber of Deputies;
  • they can ask for the members of the Standing Bureau or the members of the Standing Committee bureaux, proposed by that group, to be revoked;
  • they can participate in establishing the agenda and ask for a change in the agenda of the Chamber of Deputies plenary meetings;
  • they can present amendments and ask for the closure of debates on a matter under discussion by the Chamber of Deputies;
  • they can ask for a check of the quorum existing in the plenary meetings;
  • depending on their weight in the Chamber of Deputies, the parliamentary groups shall have at their disposal the necessary logistics for a proper activity, cars, secretarial and specialised personnel, based on the decision by the Standing Bureau.
Parliamentary Groups
Postal address: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucharest, Romania friday, 24 january 2025, 14:15