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Senators by alphabetical order -- S

  Member name Constituency Parliamentary
Member since
No. Name
1.  Sava Constantin 23 IALOMIȚA PDSR
2.  Săndulescu Șerban 39 VÂLCEA non-attached
3.  Secrieru Dinu 7 BOTOȘANI PNL
4.  Seres Dénes 32 SĂLAJ UDMR
5.  Sersea Nicolae 4 BACĂU PDSR
6.  Solcanu Ion 24 IAȘI PDSR
7.  Spineanu Ulm Nicolae 16 DÂMBOVIȚA PNȚCD
8.  Stănoiu Rodica Mihaela 29 OLT PDSR
9.  Szabó Károly Ferenc 31 SATU-MARE UDMR
10.  Ștefan Viorel 18 GALAȚI PDSR 19 dec. 1996
11.  Știreanu Octavian 3 ARGEȘ non-attached

Senators who finished the mandate before the legislature's end

  Member name Constituency Parliamentary
Member until
No. Name
1.  Șuteu Titus Lucian 13 CLUJ PD 1 oct. 1998

Postal address: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucharest, Romania thursday, 23 january 2025, 5:04