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Friendship parliamentary group with Republic of Poland

 Position Full name Member Groupsince
1. Chairperson Hăucă Teodor
since 21 feb. 1997
senator PD 21 feb. 1997
2. Vice-Chairperson Chiriacescu Sergiu
since 21 feb. 1997
senator PDSR 21 feb. 1997
3. Secretary Pruteanu George Mihail
since 21 feb. 1997
senator - 21 feb. 1997
4. Members Babiaș Iohan-Peter deputy Minoritati 21 feb. 1997
5.   Bivolaru Ioan deputy PDSR 21 feb. 1997
6.   Buga Florea deputy PRM 21 feb. 1997
7.   Gheorghiu Mihai deputy PNȚCD 21 feb. 1997
8.   Giurescu Ion deputy PDSR 21 feb. 1997
9.   Mândroviceanu Vasile deputy PNL 21 feb. 1997
10.   Noica Nicolae deputy PNȚCD 21 feb. 1997
11.   Opriș Constantin Remus deputy PNȚCD 21 feb. 1997
12.   Pintea Ioan deputy USD-PD 21 feb. 1997
13.   Severin Adrian deputy - 21 feb. 1997
14.   Șteolea Petru deputy PUNR 21 feb. 1997
15.   Vaida Francisc-Atila deputy UDMR 21 feb. 1997

Postal address: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucharest, Romania thursday, 16 january 2025, 2:36